Antonio Comito

Antonio Comito was a key witness against the Morello Family 1910.

Antonio Comito

Antonio Comito was born February 16, 1879, in Catanzaro, Calabria. He had previously worked as a printer before leaving for New York in June, 1907. Whilst living at 72 James Street, he found work in the city as a printer based on Park Row. Comito was appointed Supreme Deputy of a society called the “Sons of Italy”, a support group for recently arrived Italian immigrants to America.

In 1908, Comito began counterfeiting Canadian and US currency for the Morello gang. On January 4th, 1910, he was arrested when nine Secret Service officers and policemen raided his flat. The resulting court case saw Giuseppe Morello, Ignazio Lupo and gang jailed under heavy sentences, whilst Comito was set free after acting as the principal witness for the prosecution.